Volcanologist Equipment

1️⃣ Seismic monitor(ing) utilizes sensitive seismographs to record the ground motion from seismic waves created by earthquakes or other sources. Seismograms from seismic monitoring stations can be used to determine the location, origin time, and magnitude (as well as other characteristics) of earthquakes

2️⃣ Tiltmeter = instrument used to measure slight changes in the inclination of the earth's surface

3️⃣ Thermal imager = the device carrying a thermal camera and which converts infrared (IR) radiation (heat) into visible images that depict the spatial distribution of temperature differences in a scene

4️⃣ Thermocouple = a thermoelectric device for measuring temperature, consisting of two wires of different metals connected at two points, a voltage being developed between the two junctions in proportion to the temperature difference