Duct Tape Snowshoes

If a pair of tennis rackets aren’t handy, here is great snowshoe hack that only takes a few minutes longer to hack into existence(=become functional). Cut and bend ½" (=12.7mm) diameter flexible green sapling(=a young tree) into a teardrop shape, approximately 2' × 1' (=60x30cm). Use duct tape at the intersection(=where lines cross) to hold it together. Use more of the tape to create a web-like netting that spans the width and length(=extends from side to side) of the wooden frame’s interior space. This will resemble a crude wood and duct tape version of a tennis racket head. Next, duct-tape 2
(=bands) across the top that span the distance from the ball of your foot to your heel. These should be 1" (=25.4mm) in diameter and cut from green wood. Finally, use duct tape to secure the front of your boot to the front wooden cross brace. Your heel should lift freely upward but rest securely on the rear brace (where your heel is) when stepping down.