Interior Design Terms | Part 2

1️⃣ Countertop: A horizontal surface generally found in kitchens and used for cooking and eating.

2️⃣ Dimmable: When a lightbulb’s brightness is adjustable.

3️⃣ Dining room: A designated room in a house used for formal dining that is separate from the kitchen. It is generally furnished with a long dining table and enough chairs to accommodate larger parties.

4️⃣ Elevation: A two-dimensional (=2D) drawing of a wall (or series of walls) with varying degrees of detail.

5️⃣ Enfilade: A series of rooms that are connected via doorways that align with one another (commonplace in grand castles, like the Palace of Versailles, or even museums).

6️⃣ Etagere: A freestanding or hanging set of open shelves, designed to display trinkets or other decorative objects.

7️⃣ Faux [fəʊ]: A design element that is artificially constructed to mimic another type of material or piece.

8️⃣ Feng shui: A traditional method of Chinese design based around energy forces. Feng shui is meant to bring the individual in harmony with their surroundings.

9️⃣ Focal point: The point in a room or design that the eye is drawn to (=which attracts). The decorative center of a room from which all other design elements take their cue(=are based).

🔟 Hue: The color or shade of an interior design element.

trinket = a small ornament or item of jewellery that is of little value

See also

Interior Design Terms | Part 1